Merton Council

Transport Plan: Local Implementation Plan 3 (LIP3)


In March 2018 the Mayor of London released his vision for the future of transport in the capital called the Mayor’s Transport Strategy it sets out three priority areas for delivery; these are:-

  • Healthy Streets and healthy people
  • A good public transport experience
  • New Homes and Jobs

It also set an ambitious target for 80% of all trips in London to be made on foot, by cycle or using public transport by 2041.

The LIP is a statutory requirement under the Greater London Authority Act 1999 and all London boroughs are required to develop a document setting out how they are going to deliver the Mayor's Transport Strategy, its priorities and objectives at a local level.

The LIP3 contains an overview of the challenges and opportunities in delivering the Mayor’s Transport Strategy within Merton, a set of borough transport objectives, a short and longer term delivery plan and a series of targets set by Transport for London that we are working towards achieving.

Merton's draft LIP 3 can be found via the council webpage:  

Consultation start date 01 March 2019
Consultation end date 12 April 2019
Take part in Transport Plan: Local Implementation Plan 3 (LIP3) (External link)

For more information about this engagement, please contact:

Consultation run by: Environment & Regeneration
Ann Maria Clarke