Merton Council

The Future of Adult Education in Merton

Description: Merton Council is committed to see high quality adult learning opportunities provided in the borough. We are exploring if there are other ways of providing this service, that achieve the best value for money for tax payers. 

By making sure we invest directly into learning and not back office functions we could help the service become more sustainable in the long term and protect other frontline services from cuts. We also want to make sure that the service is able to target disadvantaged communities more effectively. We would like your views on which of the options we are considering would be the best way to deliver the service and what aspects of the service you most value.
For more information on this consultation please see
Consultation start date 17 November 2014
Consultation end date 18 January 2015

For more information about this engagement, please contact:

Consultation run by: Community & Housing
Merton Adult Education