Merton Council

Draft Pharmaceutical needs assessment


Merton Health and Wellbeing Board is hosted by Merton Council. The government requires all Health and Wellbeing Boards to produce an assessment of pharmaceutical service in its area every three years, under the NHS. The next assessment is due by the end of the September 2022. This document is called the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA).

The PNA is a report of the present needs for pharmaceutical services. It is used to identify any gaps in current services or improvements that could be made in future pharmaceutical service provision. 

We are consulting with any patient, consumer or community group in the borough who has an interest in the provision of pharmaceutical services.

It is assumed that everyone living in Merton may require services provided by community pharmacies and appliance contractors. We are therefore consulting with the entire resident population of Merton and welcome the views from anyone living in Merton Council or anyone providing pharmaceutical services in Merton. Your comments will inform the final Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment which will be produced by 1 October 2022.

Summary of results: 

The final Pharmaceutical needs assessment  was agreed by the Health and Well Being Board in September 2022.

Consultation start date 11 July 2022
Consultation end date 09 September 2022
Take part in Draft Pharmaceutical needs assessment (External link)

For more information about this engagement, please contact:

Consultation run by: Community & Housing
Soar Beyond
Contact Numbers
Phone: 01442 927 972